¿Donde estamos?
71 520 Ciudad Caucel
Mérida, Yucatán, 97314
Tel: +52 999 749 01 99

About Us

The Lead Agency is a 360 marketing agency, with high performance and effective results. We create image, positioning but above all we generate sales.

We integrate with our clients in a personalized accompaniment to meet the needs and exceed expectations. We innovate and are ahead of the market, knowing how to adapt technology to the line of business in which we find ourselves.

By hiring us you are hiring a team of marketers, graphic and web designers, copywriters, strategists but above all people who understand people.


We are creating a social media strategy to generate image, positioning, traffic and sales for Mexican Time – Expat Services in Merida.

Introducing a service/product to the market is demanding and does not have schedules, so extended work hours and weekends are considered within the feed to achieve the objective.

Effective marketing is an investment, if it is developed by experts that generate a return on investment. More than an agency, we will become partners in the project. We are passionate people doing extraordinary things for extraordinary brands with a proven marketing system. The purpose of this hiring is to carry out the successful sale of the project that will open the door to more projects.

The lead agency
marketing //
commercial strategy

Comprehensive Marketing

Planning of the digital marketing strategy.
Planning and execution of the advertising campaign.
Facebook and Instagram update.
3 weekly publications on Facebook and Instagram.
3 weekly Stories on Facebook and Instagram.
Graphic design service.
Administration of the Meta Business Suite.
Advertising schedule management.
Lead generation.
Community Manager from Monday to Friday from 10 to 17 hours.
Face-to-face meeting once a month. (optional)
Zoom meeting once a week. (optional)


$8,000 MXN/ per month


VAT not included.
If the plan is canceled for reasons external to our work, the current month's payment is not refunded.
Facebook monetary expenses not included.
We accept electronic transfer or cash.
This proposal is valid for two weeks from the date received.
Note: We request a person in charge of monitoring the leads on your behalf as soon as possible and send us a daily summary with your personal comments in a way that allows us to monitor the daily strategy.


We are proud to be part of their achievements.

MID CityBeat

Invitamos a las personas a conocer Yucatán mediante redes sociales y la revista online dónde ayudamos a cientos de turistas con información y recomendaciones de experiencias...

  • Strategy

    Redes Sociales & Blogs

  • Design

    Fotografía & Video

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Corazón de Ixchel

En conjunto con el diseñador de moda Billy Manolo, proyectamos la marca a nivel nacional dando a conocer diferentes obras textiles con piezas únicas elaboradas en...

  • Strategy

    Website & Redes Sociales

  • Design

    Video & Fotografía

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Calzado MD

Ayudamos a empresas locales con productos de alta calidad a expandir su negocio a nivel nacional implementamos diferentes estrategias de marketing y venta en linea.

  • Strategy


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Alto Pedorraje

Implementamos estrategias disruptivas para llevar un mensaje claro a las personas correctas en cualquier parte del mundo. Si tu producto o servicio ayuda a otros, seguro...

  • Strategy

    Website & Redes Sociales

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Ayudamos a incrementar las ventas mediante estrategias que incluyen página web como principal medio de comercio. Hilar hoy en día lleva el talento de Yucatán a...

  • Strategy


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El incremento de opciones de inversión en Yucatán seguirá en aumento, por ello se necesitan estrategias que transmitan un sentimiento a quien será un futuro cliente...

  • Strategy

    Website & Redes Sociales

  • Design


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S360 Desarrollos

Nos encargamos de transmitir los beneficios de adquirir una propiedad, así conectamos con las personas que buscan invertir o comprar en Yucatán. Alcanza tus objetivos comerciales...

  • Strategy

    Website & Redes Sociales

  • Design


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